Friday, September 23, 2011

Walking up a storm! - Revised Edition

So in my efforts to get organized this year, I chose Picasa Web Albums to try to organize my also let me upload videos.  Thankfully, I didn't delete anything from my original media - because you can upload the videos...but you can't get them back...uuugghhh....not to mention the pictures may now be stored one additional place, but they are no more organized that when I started out.  Anyways, here is the revised edition of the blog post with the videos that transferred only as photos before.

Ashlyn took her very first step on July 6th. She took her first set of steps on the 8th...then she decided she didn't like it so much and continued to crawl around with her goofy, little crawl until July 26th of 2011. She just got up that morning and walked - she walked all day and hasn't stopped since! Now she is practically running!

Ashlyn loves sweets!  I try to limit the amount of processed, sugary, not any nutritional value kind of sweets, but every once in a while, everyone deserves an oreo. :)

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