Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Turkey Day!

Happy Thanksgiving!  I am so thankful for so many things this year!  I am so very blessed in so many ways!  I am so grateful that God has trusted me and David with this little person!  She has filled a hole in our lives that we didn't even know was there!  She is amazing in so many ways and has brought us all into this tight, little circle of family that is so wonderful I can't even describe it.  I pray that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving Day and that God reveals the many ways he has blessed us with family, jobs, health, and happiness.  I am planning to get lots of great pictures today...but in the meantime...Ashlyn had THREE firsts in ONE week last week!  Monday, the 14th, she decided she didn't want Mommy to feed her with the spoon.  She decided to do it all by herself!  She dipped the spoon in the jar of fruit and then put it in her mouth.  She did it several times in a row.  STOP GROWING UP SO FAST LITTLE GIRL!  Thursday, Aunt Reesie gave Ashlyn her VERY FIRST haircut!  She needed it so badly!  She was sporting kind of a "shaggy dog" look, so it was definitely time.  She did SO well!  She played with the spray bottle.  The hardest part was when she kept trying to look at was Teresa was she kept turning her head back and forth.

 We had just taken her hairbow out in this picture...but this is pretty much what she looks like when she firsts wakes up too. :)

 After.  Look at that smile!
 Daddy insisted on coming along!  He adores his baby girl!

Saturday, the 19th, we took Ashlyn to her VERY 1st Alabama Football Game.  I was worried that we would walk into the stadium and she would have an immediate meltdown, but she did really well.  You could tell she was a little overwhelmed at first, but she settled right in.  She even started clapping!  She made it to right about the 2nd quarter - then she was out like a light!  

 Before the game - outside the sorority house that David's company works with.
 This picture is mostly for GrandMary - oh yeah...we were REALLY high and she is looking over the edge.  She loved it!
 Kickoff UA vs Georgia Southern!

 Just minutes before she gave out and fell asleep.
 Roll Tide!
 We tried to take pictures outside the stadium after we left, but Ashlyn was a bit preoccupied...

 This is what happens when we take her away from her play toy...

All happy and sweet again!  The joys of life with a One Year Old!

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