Wednesday, February 15, 2012

National Championship Do-over

This past weekend, we had the pleasure of having my Dad and Jacque over to the house to watch the DVR'ed National Championship Game.  My dad is doing SO WONDERFUL!  I am so glad that he is having such great success!  Unfortunately, most of his memories have not returned.  He is probably the only person in Alabama (maybe the whole United States!) that can say that he watched Alabama beat the living daylights out of LSU in the National Championship Game TWICE FOR THE FIRST TIME!  I know it's not really funny...but let's make the best of a bad situation.  I'm so glad David wanted to record the game so now my die-hard Alabama Fan Dad got to see the game again.  Ashlyn loved getting all the attention!  We grilled steaks.  I cooked some green beans (Ashlyn's favorite) and made a yummy ranch and cheesy mashed potatoes.  Jacque brought an amazing chocolate cake that was totally not on the diet and totally worth it!  Thank you to all who have prayed for my family and especially my Dad!  God is doing a mighty work in all of our lives through this situation.

Roll Tide!!!

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