To say I'm behind on blogging would be quite an understatement. David and I enjoyed a long break from work for Christmas and New Year's. We had many plans to work on catching up all sorts of things, but like all the best laid plans....we only got half of the stuff done we wanted to do. Here are a few fun pictures of some of our Christmas adventures.
We built the puppies a HUMUNGOUS doghouse. We filled it with cedar chips, so now they smell like hamsters. :)
We went to see one of our ALL-Time favorite Christmas movies...Christmas Vacation at the beautiful Alabama Theatre. It was so fun and really got us in the Christmas Spirit for our, "Fun, Old Family Christmas". It is really cool because before the movies begin, the organ comes up from the stage floor and the guy announces the movie and then plays as they lower him back down.
We took Bonnie, Autumn, Shelby and Hayden to Zoolight Safari. I think it was 2 below out there that night. You can't really tell, but this picture was taken in the "snow". It was a soapy, fake snow...that is what Shelby is reaching for. Unfortunately, they put most of the animals away, so we are planning a trip back to the zoo for warmer weather.