I can't believe two and a half months have already passed since our precious addition arrived! She is so wonderful and I LOVE being a Mom. She is the best baby ever...at least that's what I think. She really only cries when she needs something or when she is fighting sleep. She is growing so fast! I feel like if I blink too long she'll be off to college. At her two month check up, she weighed 13.5 lbs and was 23.5 inches long. That is in the 95th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height. She is starting to stand up already...she gets so mad when we take her bottle away to burp her that she stands up. Half the time we are burping her while she is standing. She is smiling a lot now! I Love, Love, Love her smile!!!! It really does melt my heart every time I see it! I never get tired of seeing her cute, little smile. She is noticing her toys and occasionally bats at them, but doesn't try to grab them yet. We are trying to teach her to hold her bottle. She HATES tummy time. Ever since the first time we tried it...she's
ok when we have tummy to tummy time with her, but if we lay her on her tummy on a flat surface she screams. She is such a pretty little girl! She is so incredibly sweet too! I love when she cuddles with me. She has her Daddy wrapped around her little finger already. He is in charge of
bathtime and she laughs and coos with him as he splashes water on her. There is no way I could take care of her without his help! He is the most amazing Daddy! He is so attentive to her and she is so obviously in love with him. Can't say I blame her.
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