We are back from our little beach trip now. It was very relaxing. We got to Gulf Shores around 1 am and fell fast asleep.
We had a leisurely lunch at King Neptunes the next day and then headed to Target because we realized we had forgotten our beach chairs. Wow...those boogers are expensive.

Us finishing lunch and getting ready to head to the beach.
Anyway, we spent he majority of the afternoon sunning and playing in the ocean. At one point, we saw a bunch of little, silver fish flipping and making splashes in the water all around us. We started moving toward the shore, just as a little boy commented, "That's a shark". Yes...we did swim with the sharks, well shark, on our vacation. We couldn't see it clearly, but you could definitely see the medium sized dark spot swimming just under the water.

When we felt like we had baked enough at the beach for the day, we went back to the house we were staying at to clean up and get ready for our evening adventures. We ate dinner at Ribs and Reds. I DON'T recommend it. It honestly was the worst restaurant experience I've had in several years! Maybe they'll get the hang of it before the summer is over.
After dinner, we went to The Track.

Having a grand old time at The Track and killing time while waiting FOREVER for service at Ribs and Reds
The Track is a family fun park and arcade. We intended to ride go carts, but got side tracked and spent all of our time and money playing arcade games. Winning tickets is addictive and I beat David at air hockey! That is probably the only sport I'll ever beat him in. Since it was well past sunset when we finished at The Track, we decided to walk the beach along the Perdido Pass with flashlights and observe all the critters of the night. We saw some pretty big crabs skittering around and David had fun trying to catch the fish out of the surf.
On Thursday, we went to Waterville Waterpark.

It is a pretty small park, but we had a lot of fun. We rode most of the rides twice and somehow I managed to get David on the Lazy River for at least four times around.
We finished our evening with dinner at Sea and Suds...an oldie, but goodie when it comes to restaurants. I don't think you can beat the view when it comes to restaurant choices.
The view from the balcony at Sea and Suds

Of course David gushed all over the condos and I know I will be hearing all about how we need to buy one for the next few weeks....NOT gonna happen anytime soon!
David's brothers, Joe and Richard, agreed to stay at our house and tend the zoo until we got back. In exchange they got to eat all of our food, do their laundry and watch free cable. Not a bad deal in my opinion. :) Richard called on Thursday evening to let us know that my car was broken....again, I might add. Hopefully we will be able to drive it to the shop for them to look at it on Monday. I think it is more likely that it will have to be towed. Something is wrong with the clutch. Ahhhh! I really like not having a car payment, but I am starting to think maybe this baby is at the end of it's life. We'll see what the car docs have to say.