Ladies and Gentlemen...She's starting early!!!! Not even a whole 8 months and she's already got Daddy's Credit Card!!!! Ashlyn treated us (compliments of Daddy's credit card) to a fabulous brunch at O'Charley's after church yesterday. Ashlyn was such a good little baby!!!! usual. She is typically so well-behaved in public. I took her with me on Saturday to get a MUCH NEEDED pedicure (we're talking some ugly before toes!). She just grinned and cooed the whole time! Everyone commented on what a pretty baby she was and I can't count how many times they said "She is such a good baby!". I said "thank you"...but what I really wanted to say was "I know." - I'm pretty sure that wouldn't have been what they were expecting to hear. :o)
Since she is closer to eight months than seven now...I figured it was time to debut the seven month onesie pictures. I REALLY need to find my camera. I had to take these with my phone and that was quite the ordeal.
I wish I had enough room to post the random shots I get while I'm trying to do these onesie pictures...some are quite hilarious!
My precious girl sound asleep in her own bed. This is usually how the night starts out. She rarely stays in her own bed though...we're working on it.
Ashlyn's first babysitter! Kelsey Fisher, my co-worker's (and friend) daughter came over last Saturday to help watch Ashlyn while I worked on some of the projects we have slated to get finished before we put the house on the market. Ashlyn LOVES Kelsey!!!!!! They played and Ashlyn giggled! I got the front door painted and the border taken down from the guest bathroom. LOTS left to do! Mary came over to help and took over Ashlyn-duty when it was time for Kelsey to leave.
This Saturday was A-Day. David had to work on Campus for a sorority and a needless to say they were a little busy. We decided not to attend A-Day this year - maybe next year. They unveiled the Nick Saban Statue - Roll Tide!!!! National Championship 2010 Baby! I'll walk over at lunch one day and see it. When David got home we took the boat out for about an hour and a half on Lake Tuscaloosa. I wrapped Ashlyn up nice and tight in a fleece blanket. That child was sound asleep by the time we were done. I think she likes being on the water, but she absolutely HATES her life jacket. I can't wait until we can get her a little princess fishing pole! Sunday, we let Ashlyn spend some time with Papa Chuck and GrandMary and David and I headed out to the Lake again. We had a great time! Beautiful weather and the lake is just gorgeous! I still haven't stopped to get my fishing license, so we just drove around (we hit almost 60 once!) and looked around. This summer is going to be so much fun! We're going to look into buying a wake board and a tube! - eventually anyway - they aren't exactly cheap.
Friday was the crazy day of the weekend. We had inclement weather (pretty sure that's an understatement). I just knew that this storm was going to be a bad one. They dismissed City and County schools, but UA never closed. I left at 2 and went to pick Ashlyn up from preschool. When we got home we went straight from the car to the closet in our bedroom. I turned on the weather and we hung out in the closet from about 2:30 until about 5:00. Several tornadoes ripped through Mississippi and Alabama. We Thank God for his protection! A tornado went right over our house, but didn't touch down until a little further down the street. Everyone tried to call me and text at the same time so my phone froze up for a minute. I can only get so many phone calls at one time and David was so worried about us! We only lost power for a total of about 2 hours. Thankfully the damage in our area is sporadic and minimal. I know the storm caused some major damage in other areas and I'll be keeping them in my prayers.
This Saturday was A-Day. David had to work on Campus for a sorority and a needless to say they were a little busy. We decided not to attend A-Day this year - maybe next year. They unveiled the Nick Saban Statue - Roll Tide!!!! National Championship 2010 Baby! I'll walk over at lunch one day and see it. When David got home we took the boat out for about an hour and a half on Lake Tuscaloosa. I wrapped Ashlyn up nice and tight in a fleece blanket. That child was sound asleep by the time we were done. I think she likes being on the water, but she absolutely HATES her life jacket. I can't wait until we can get her a little princess fishing pole! Sunday, we let Ashlyn spend some time with Papa Chuck and GrandMary and David and I headed out to the Lake again. We had a great time! Beautiful weather and the lake is just gorgeous! I still haven't stopped to get my fishing license, so we just drove around (we hit almost 60 once!) and looked around. This summer is going to be so much fun! We're going to look into buying a wake board and a tube! - eventually anyway - they aren't exactly cheap.
Friday was the crazy day of the weekend. We had inclement weather (pretty sure that's an understatement). I just knew that this storm was going to be a bad one. They dismissed City and County schools, but UA never closed. I left at 2 and went to pick Ashlyn up from preschool. When we got home we went straight from the car to the closet in our bedroom. I turned on the weather and we hung out in the closet from about 2:30 until about 5:00. Several tornadoes ripped through Mississippi and Alabama. We Thank God for his protection! A tornado went right over our house, but didn't touch down until a little further down the street. Everyone tried to call me and text at the same time so my phone froze up for a minute. I can only get so many phone calls at one time and David was so worried about us! We only lost power for a total of about 2 hours. Thankfully the damage in our area is sporadic and minimal. I know the storm caused some major damage in other areas and I'll be keeping them in my prayers.
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