I can't think of a better way to have spent my very first Mother's Day than making a public declaration that we will teach our child to respect and serve the Lord. I am immensely grateful to God for allowing us the privilege of having this child. I pray constantly that God will help me be a good mother and David a good father to her. I want for her to grow up knowing how much we love her and that we want good things for her with all of our hearts...but more than that... God loves her and wants good things for her even more than her Daddy and I could even imagine!

We got all dressed up and stood on the stage and made our promise to try our very best to be a Godly example for our daughter, to teach her God's word and help her grow in God's wisdom; then the pastor (Joel Gorveatte) of our church - First Wesleyan Church of Tuscaloosa - prayed over our daughter. Teresa Mills made Ashlyn's dress as a gift and, honestly, that is one of the sweetest gifts I have ever received. She made this beautiful dress in less than two days (our original plan had been for her to teach me to smock, but the day I was supposed to do that was the day after the tornado). She pleated it, smocked it and sewed it and I couldn't have a found a more perfect dress for the occasion that fit Ashlyn more perfectly if I had looked all over the state. She called me a few days after the tornado and offered the make the dress as a gift since our original plan hadn't worked out. I told her I would love that - but she went above and beyond with this bishop dress...the sleeves even have tiny little lace fabric on the edges! To really make me cry...her daughter Leslie ordered a little headband to go with the dress...it is a "Baby to Bride" headband. I will keep it in a safe place until Ashlyn's wedding day - then she can wear it as a garter. It will be her old...I think that is too precious!

Mary came to see the dedication and it was so nice that we got to spend Mother's Day with her. She did a fabulous job video taping the service so that I can send it to my family to see. Thank you Mary! I am so very happy that she could make it (wink, wink Mary-I love you!). We all went to Olive Garden to eat after church and it was delicious! I am very blessed to have married a special guy who has a mom that I adore...I know that is the exception...not the rule.
I got to talk to my mom on the phone...I wish she lived closer...but I am so happy that she got to spend Mother's Day with her Mommy. The miles apart don't make her any further from my heart and thoughts. I love her very much and I am so grateful that she dedicated so much of her life to me and my sister. I never grasped the completeness of her love for us...until I became a mother...now I know...there is nothing in this entire world that could stop me from loving my baby girl. I also know now the sacrifice of being a mother and I am even more grateful to my Mom.. for all the sleepless nights and hours of anxiety...for the patience through the temper tantrums and hugs through all my tears...for having faith in me to succeed and pride in my accomplishments...for the thoughtful and wise words through the years...you have always been an amazing Mom and I love you.
Ashlyn painted a flower pot for me at preschool for Mother's Day. It is a hand print that her teachers helped make into a picture of a flower. It is adorable and I love it. It came with a flowering plant in it, but bones thought that was edible - so no flower left. Ashlyn's Daddy helped her buy Mommy a gift card to a local Day Spa so that I can have a little relaxation time. Mommy really appreciates this gift!!! All in all...I enjoyed my first Mother's Day a lot and I am looking forward to many more with my little one!
**Update** I just wanted to add the wording from the Child Dedication Registration that David and I signed and returned to the church before Ashlyn's Dedication.
"By registering to dedicate your child you are testifying to your own commitment of faith in Christian religion, and also your desire that your child shall receive the benefits of consecration to God, and of the prayers of the church, and may early learn to know and follow the will of God; and therefore may live a Christian life.
In order for this to happen, it will be your duty as parents to teach your child early the fear of the Lord; to watch over his/her education, that they may not be led astray by false teachings or doctrines, to direct his/her mind to the Holy Scriptures as expressing the will and authority of God for all people, and to direct his/her feet to the sanctuary, to restrain him/her from evil associations and habits, and, as much as you are able, to bring him/her up in the Lord's discipline and instruction.
You will be asked before the congregation if you will endeavor to do these things by the help of the Lord."