Friday, May 27, 2011


I had the privilege of attending my step-sister Lindsey's graduation last night.  I can't believe she has grown up so fast!  She was in the 5th grade when she came to live with us.  It feels like just yesterday and a lifetime ago at the same time.  She is such an intelligent, beautiful, sweet person and I pray that God blesses her beyond imagination.  I pray that she has the diligence and perseverance to pursue her dreams with passion and achieve things she never thought possible!  It was fun to see my other step-sisters Becca and Caitlin and my Dad and Step-Mom Jacque.  David and I were running a little late (there's a big surprise for ya), so they saved us some seats.  By the way...I've recently discovered that Ashlyn's junk takes the place of a full sized person, so we always need three seats now-no more getting away with 2 1/2. :o)  It rained yesterday, so they moved the graduation from the football feild to Locust Fork Bapstist Church.  It was squooshed and hot in there, but it beats a wet backside and I was very glad we were able to go.  Afterwards, we went to Outback - apparently just about every graduation in Birmingham was last night, so we had a little wait, but everyone behaved and it was nice to have some hanging out with the fam time.  Everyone's meal was perfect and we were quite entertained by Ashlyn who sat in the middle of the table and reached for anything and everything that she could see almost immediately.  It was a mad dash to get all the silverware and glasses out of her reach.  Aunt Lindsey and Ashlyn are like two peas in a pod.  They love each other and it is so cute to see them together!  We got home earlier than I had expected.  I thought we wouldn't end up at home until almost 1am, but we were nice and snug in our bed by 12:30p.  P.S. Ashlyn was so tuckered-she slept through her 1:30-3:30 wake up call for us. :)  That was nice.

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