Monday, June 7, 2010


I'm now Facebook-less! For a while anyway. I spent way too much time on that dumb website and I have way too much to do, so for a while, I've taken the temptation to procrastinate away. I'm still going to update on my blog. My blog is sort of a scrapbook for me. I write what I want to remember. I already find myself looking back on prior posts and reminiscing.
On another updating/writing note...David and I went to Books-a-Million on Friday and I got a baby memory book. My Mom was so good about filling mine and my sisters out and we have really appreciated it, so I got one for Ashlyn. There was also another special thing my Mom did for me and my sister. She kept a handwritten journal for each of us. I don't know if she knows, but after I read the journal, I decided to keep it updated. I only end up writing in it every year or so, but it is a very special book to me. David and I picked out Ashlyn's journal together. I think I am going to suggest he write Daddy notes to her every once in a while. We'll see what he thinks.
We got lots of painting done on the nursery this weekend. I started priming a little bookshelf that I forgot we had until I opened the closet on the patio outside and yelled "Bingo". It is perfect for a little bare spot we had in the nursery and will give us somewhere to put some toys for Ashlyn. Tom decided to help dry the paint on the bookshelf and now has a white streak all the way from his shoulder to the tip of his tail. It was pretty funny! He looks like a lop-sided Pepe-le-pew.
We attended our "CPR and Safety for Infants" class Sunday. I was very glad for the refresher. It's hard to believe it has been so long since I helped my Mom while she was teaching those kind of classes. I hope I never have to use any of what I know.
This afternoon I have a doctor's appointment. They are doing the first sugar test, so please pray that I pass with flying colors. I really don't want to have to deal with Gestational Diabetes. Well, I guess that is all for now.

1 comment:

Linda said...

I am so glad You continue to write in the pretty blue book. You are a Blessing to me.