Monday, June 28, 2010

T minus 10 weeks and counting

30 WEEKS!!!!! I have always been a stickler for even or symmetrical things. It's just one of the many weird, quirky things about me. If I can move an object so that it will look more symmetrical, I do. I just can't help it....I guess there is more OCD in me than I'm usually willing to admit. Since 30 weeks is such an even number I started doing the math in my head and really realized...we only have 10 weeks until we meet our baby girl! It hit me like a ton of bricks! She's almost here! I've had people tell me that the last couple months are the longest, but I just can't imagine that being the case for me. I have SO MUCH TO DO! I feel like if I blink the next 10 weeks will be gone. We went to a sweet friend's going-away party this weekend and I got to hold another friend's brand new little girl. She is nine weeks old and a little over nine pounds. As I was holding her I realized that there is a very real possibility that my little girl will be right at that size....maybe a tad bit smaller, but probably not by much. OH MY! She was so cute and cuddly. It just made me more excited to meet my own little girl!
This weekend David and I tried to get productive! David started cleaning out the garage while I started working on the inside of the house. David got a lot more done than I did, but I'm growing a baby while I do everything else...that counts for something, right!?!?

1 comment:

Linda said...

You are so funny and so precious. 10 WEEKS OH MY GOSH I BETTER PACK!!! Your OCD is inherited love.