Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Yet another devotion today where the point was great...but not the only thing I got out of it.
I finished my 3-hour Glucose Test this morning and I failed it. This means I have Gestational Diabetes and will have to monitor my sugar levels for the rest of the pregnancy. Hopefully I can manage the levels with diet and won't have to worry with having to take insulin. At first I wasn't upset at all, but as the day has progressed, my anxiety has gotten worse and worse. Then I finally had a minute to read my daily devotion. Today's lesson was on Joseph...and forgiveness. It really cracks me up that as I read a very good devotion, God is speaking other, completely unrelated truths to my heart. The truth today....look at what an amazing life Joseph ended up having. His brothers sold him into slavery and he suffered much, but God raised him up and made him a very powerful man. God gave him a land and a family to love and enjoy. Whatever happens in the next twelve weeks, I know God loves me and He loves Ashlyn and He will be watching over whatever happens. I am not in control, but He is. He will never lose that control. Sometimes bad things happen, but God will use them somehow...whether it is to guide you to a specific place or that that experience is necessary to teach you something important for later on.

1 comment:

Linda said...

I read the blog and end up posting a comment to the wrong note, I think You can figure that out. I do love You and so many are praying for You and Ashlyn and David. We love all of You. The room looks great, I will get to see it soon.